The Dryer Doctors offer a dryer preseason inspection to GSI & FFI grain dryer owners. This 20pt inspection is meant to ensure that your dryer is ready before you need it come harvest. The preseason program will usually run from the beginning of May to the end of September and on some years even later. We run 2-3 service technicians, 5 days a week, to ensure that everyone that requested this service has it completed before harvest. Our preseason area has generally been the western half of Minnesota and the eastern half of North & South Dakota but has gradually grown in recent years. If you have any questions regarding this program or would like to reserve your spot on our preseason inspection list please call us today @ (320) 321-1600.
The Dryer Doctors also offer grain dryer service to GSI & FFI grain dryer owners. With 3 service technicians, fully stocked service vehicles & 16hr days/7 days a week through harvest, we are able to get you back up and running with minimal time lost to a shut down. We also offer over the phone technical support for those do-it yourselfers or if you fall outside of our service area.
The Dryer Doctors also offer direct shipping of service parts (grain dryer, grain bin, etc.) to anywhere in the United States & can help you with technical support over the phone on proper installation and/or programming of these parts.

Grain Dryer Preseasons
We offer grain dryer preseasons on any and all FFI dryers & any GSI dryer that is a non-network dryer.

Grain Dryer Service
We offer grain dryer service on any and all FFI dryers & any GSI dryer that is a non-network dryer.

Service Parts Shipping
We offer direct shipping of service parts (grain dryer, grain bin, etc.) to anywhere in the United States.