Established in 2017, The Dryer Doctors are located in Montevideo, MN & have over 62 years of combined grain handling sales and service experience. What started out as a few co-workers bouncing ideas off of each other & talking about what we would do differently if we were running our own company quickly grew into a business model & plan that would not only benefit us but would also benefit the many customers we have. We started right away, using conference rooms at local area businesses, lining up dryer preseasons & smaller projects to get us going. As business quickly grew, we rushed to get into a location & got stocked up on service parts and accessories. Within a month we had 2 service vans and a pickup truck stocked and running. In 2019 we added another service van and purchased a property on the northwest edge of Montevideo that has given us the room we need to operate as well as the room to grow in the future.
There is no other industry that is personally as rewarding as the grain handling industry; the tight bonds that we have formed with farmers and their families, the feeling of accomplishment we get playing a small role in supporting and helping the people who are the backbone of America & the lessons and knowledge that we gain from each and every site we visit. We take great pride in what we do and are so grateful to the many farm families that allow us the pleasure of being on their sites doing what we love.


Joshua Bauman

John Keller

Leon Fokken
Dee Bogan
Christian Fokken